People should get closer to the work of others in order to better understand what is going on. They can do this by moving their feet, moving their desk, or moving their microphone. Decreasing the distance between yourself and others helps increase communication and creativity.
A great exercise for a better understanding of people is to capture what you know about them in personal maps.
Sample Personal Map

How we run it in a virtual settings
- Invited people to take an area and put his/her name in the center of the area.
- Every one in the team tell us about any of these categories: Work, Leadership & Management, Life's Priorities, Hobbies, Goals, and Values.
- We spent 15-20 minutes for this activity.
- We create rooms with 2 members in each room for 10 minutes.
- Asked each member to look at the other person's map and try to find similarities and differences.
- Let's every one in the room to ask Questions.
- We returned back to the main meeting and asked everyone to put his Key Takeaways and feedback.

Team Key Takeaways & Feedback
- Good way to get close to each other.
- Help us to share knowledge and hopies
- Breaking ice and seeing other person point of view.
- Understanding the team closely.
- Know the strengths of each team member and how to take advantage of them
- Learn experiences from others.
- Exchange knowledge of the same topic
- Getting out of work mode.